
I am


Post graduated in Chemistry
But coding is love


My Learnings

I am always curious to learn more and more practically that's what I like about coding.
I learned everything implementing and the project listing is below.

My Projects

These projects are done by me, without any supervision.
These are inspired from bootcamps, tutorials and blogs, but they are not copied.


  1. This portfolio website
  2. IPL auction data analysis tool using pandas
  3. PlayStore Webscrape automatic bot
  4. Shop management app with database
  5. Random Password generator
  6. Web Scraping bot using BeautifulSoup and Selenium
  7. Coffee machine Programe
  8. Alarm Clock
  9. To-do list maker
  10. Ping Pong
  11. Snake game
  12. Ceaser Cipher(Message Encrypt/decrypt)
  13. Number Guessing game
  14. Rock Paper Scissor game
  15. Hangman game

Currently Working on...

  1. Flask website)
  2. Instagram post generator
  3. Grocery store (using Django)
  4. Html templates with bootstrap and tailwind